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"The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 1. Oktober 2010 01:50
von MX87
Für TSWLM schrieb in den 70ern Anthony Burgess ein Script. Burgess ist der Autor, der mit "A Clockwork Orange" einen der einflussreichsten Romane des 20sten Jahrhunderts schrieb, welcher später durch Stanley Kubrick zu einem ebenso großartigen Film gemacht wurde.

Viele Infos gibt es hier: ... ed-me.html

Bezüglich der Story kopiere ich mal aus dem Link:
Before the main title sequence I had Bond in Singapore fighting a Chinese musical gong society and drowning one of its thugs in a tub of shark`s fin soup, seasoning it with soya sauce as the thug goes under. But Bond is then shot and left for dead, though he is merely stunned. He recovers to find a Chinese surgeon ready to extract a bullet from his shoulder, using acupuncture as an anaesthetizing technique. Bond learns about acupuncture and is given the two needles - one for yin, the other for yang - as a parting gift. Driving to Singapore airport he sees a Jumbo jet go up in flames as it leaves the runaway. This is an apparently motiveless atrocity engineered by CHAOS - the Consortium for the hastening of the Annihilation of Organized Society.

A plenary meeting of CHAOS - in a maritime location not clearly defined - shows an Orson Welles monster based on my own character Theodorescu, crippled and confined to a wheelchair, tended by a Scottish Presbyterian doctor. He is the chairman of CHAOS, and he announces a programme of terrorism for its own sake, not for financial gain. The consortium has made enough money and must learn the pleasure of pure power. Great figures of the world - queens, presidents, popes - must render themselves obscene or absurd in full public view as the price for not seeing a school, a sanatorium, an orphanage wantonly destroyed by CHAOS. That blowing up of a jet plane leaving Singapore was the price the Pope had to pay, somewhat vicariously, for refusing personally to whitewash the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The chairman-monster`s terrorism is fired in part by his beautiful daughter, who, loved and then deserted by 008, Bond`s colleague, vows revenge on the world. Her chagrin has manifested itself in a hideous facial rash which she covers with her raven hair. She does not realize that 008 has been killed by SMERSH. It is she who, in the first main scene, burns up millions of dollars in a huge baronial fireplace to indicate the worthlessness of money in comparison with vindictive power.

She is one justification of the title. Another is a beautiful Australian opera singer whom Bond think he loves. Bond sets out to discover by what means the seemingly inexplicable explosions which destroy innocent targets are operated. He finds out that people who have had appendectomies in a particular German clinic have been, unknowingly, fitted with a nuclear explosive device in the scar tissue which is activated by a distant radio signal. Infiltrating the German clinic he discovers the former mistress of 008 in charge. She devises delicious tortures for him but he comes through unscathed. More, he convinces her that 008 did not betray her. She sees something of 008 in 007, perhaps inevitably, since he was Bond`s twin brother. They make love. Miraculously, as in Greene`s The End of the Affair, the hideous facial rash disappears. He learns from her that her father is committed to blowing up the Sydney Opera House on a gala occasion at which the Queen and all the leaders of the British Commonwealth will be present. The alternative is for the American President to disport himself obscenely on international television. In Sydney, Bond discovers that the lovely opera singer, who is to play the lead in Strauss`s Salome on the gala occasion, has had an appendectomy at the German clinic. He performs an emergency operation, using the acupuncture needles to anaesthetize, and then pincers the explosive device out of her scar tissue. The 007- (formerly 008-) loving girl sees what looks like an amorous encounter. The hideous rash returns. She tries to kill Bond. Sydney, not just its Opera House and distinguished audience, will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb. I do not think I have to continue.

Was haltet ihr von der Story-Line?

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 16. September 2016 22:31
von Revoked
Wow. Grundsaetzlich ganz nett. Hat auch was von Iron Man 3 und dem Scorpius Roman.
Je nachdem mit welchen Details man das ganze verfeinert haette, waere da schon was tolles draus geworden.
Haette auch gut zu Dalton gepasst. Der steht doch auf Musikerinnen und Geld vernichten.

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 23. September 2016 13:36
von Henrik
Vielleicht ganz nett, aber im Vergleich zur anderen (also verfilmten) Version bin ich froh, dass man diese hier nicht verfilmt hat.

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 23. September 2016 18:56
von Revoked
Aber statt DAD oder AVTAK?

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 23. September 2016 22:52
von Nico
Revoked hat geschrieben:Aber statt AVTAK?

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 23. September 2016 23:28
von Thunderball1965
Ja, 1985 wäre wohl jeder Bond mit 0070 misslungen, egal wie gut das Drehbuch.

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 24. September 2016 10:45
von Revoked
Nico hat geschrieben:
Revoked hat geschrieben:Aber statt AVTAK?
Schaem Dich.

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 24. September 2016 13:08
von Nico
Revoked hat geschrieben:
Nico hat geschrieben:
Revoked hat geschrieben:Aber statt AVTAK?
Schaem Dich.

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 24. September 2016 13:43
von Henrik
Vielleicht statt MR.

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 24. September 2016 15:21
von GoldenProjectile
Wie wärs mit statt TND?

Re: "The Spy Who Loved Me" - Die nie gedrehte Version

Verfasst: 24. September 2016 16:24
von Revoked
GoldenProjectile hat geschrieben:Wie wärs mit statt TND?
Das traue ich mich nicht im Forum zu schreiben. Schön, dass du es tust.