Interview mit Craig aus Oktober 2012 (!)
ich packe das mal in Spoiler wobei nicht alles was da steht richtig sein muss oder überhaupt. Aber man sieht ja am Namen des Films und am finalen Trailer das es nicht so weit hergeholt ist, was der gute Daniel da vor 3 Jahren gesagt hat.
Where does Bond go from here?
Who knows? I think we set a good tone, I think we set a real tone, but I am happy for fucking exploding volcano lairs. Obviously I am joking but what I love and what I really wanted to achieve with Skyfall was a level of fantasy, it's one of the less violent ones, there's less blood, and people aren't dying in a horrible way, and it feels like much more of a family movie, and they should be family movies. I don't want to go ludicrous and we've got to keep them in reality, but Christ almighty, the world's fucking weird and there's plenty we can start mining and taking out. If Blofeld turned up again, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 7. Oktober 2015 23:08
von Samedi
Und die nächsten nichtssagenden Interviews:
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 00:50
von craigistheman
danielcc hat geschrieben:Interview mit Craig aus Oktober 2012 (!)
ich packe das mal in Spoiler wobei nicht alles was da steht richtig sein muss oder überhaupt. Aber man sieht ja am Namen des Films und am finalen Trailer das es nicht so weit hergeholt ist, was der gute Daniel da vor 3 Jahren gesagt hat.
Where does Bond go from here?
Who knows? I think we set a good tone, I think we set a real tone, but I am happy for fucking exploding volcano lairs. Obviously I am joking but what I love and what I really wanted to achieve with Skyfall was a level of fantasy, it's one of the less violent ones, there's less blood, and people aren't dying in a horrible way, and it feels like much more of a family movie, and they should be family movies. I don't want to go ludicrous and we've got to keep them in reality, but Christ almighty, the world's fucking weird and there's plenty we can start mining and taking out. If Blofeld turned up again, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
Ehrlich? James Bond-Filme für die ganze Familie? Gut ich habe meine ersten auch mit meinen Eltern gesehen (wenn sie im Fernsehen liefen), aber Bond ist nicht für Kinder gedacht worden, und sollte es nie werden (Roger Moore und TND beiseite gelassen ). Krass, dass das ausgerechnet von Craig kommt, vielleicht hatte er ja nach 3 recht düsteren Ablegern einfach nur die Schnauze voll vom Antihelden, was man auch gut nachvollziehen kann. Mir persönlich gefällt aber die härtere Gangart. Das Blut muss nicht spritzen, man sollte dem Hauptdarsteller allerdings schon abkaufen können, dass er "ein Killer" ist.
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 10:28
von christianCR
Samedi hat geschrieben:Und die nächsten nichtssagenden Interviews:
"(...) having to do interviews without telling anything at all (...)"
Nuff said...
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 10:55
von danielcc
Hatten wir das schon von Mendes?
Sam Mendes on Daniel Craig, Killing Off M and Returning to Bond for ‘Spectre’
Listening to Sam Mendes, he sounds like a sailor who can see the horizon fast approaching and couldn’t be happier to reach dry land. When we speak, it’s just over a month before the new Bond movie, ‘Spectre’ opens in cinemas, and as the 50-year-old British director puts it, there’s ‘no way back now’. He says it’s been a ‘gruelling’ experience to follow ‘Skyfall’ with a movie that involved even more globetrotting, as well as filming action scenes that required shutting down the centre of Mexico City for two weeks and flying helicopters over London’s River Thames at night. Yet, finally, ‘Spectre’ is pretty much finished: ‘The picture is locked, the score is almost entirely recorded and we’re about to go into a final sound mix which will take about three weeks.’ All that’s left now is for Mendes to unleash the movie on the world and see how audiences react to the ‘very big ideas’ he’s been fighting hard to keep secret for the best part of two years. Are they about to do something incredible and kill off Bond? Reveal that Q is his father? Kickstart a love affair between Bond and M? We’ll just have to wait and see…
Daniel Craig told us that he was ‘begging’ you to direct another Bond movie after ‘Skyfall’. Is that true?
‘There was a small threat of physical violence and there were offers of free tickets to see Arsenal play Liverpool. [Mendes is an Arsenal fan; Craig supports Liverpool.] Seriously, it was very flattering and it made a big difference. Making “Spectre” has been more gruelling than making “Skyfall”. But it was also more enjoyable. A large part of that has to do with the fact I felt very in sync with Daniel. I had a real ally.’
Presumably there was persuasion from other quarters too…
‘Yes, there was. But in truth I wasn’t persuaded to do the movie. There were other issues. I wasn’t available to start on the movie immediately, and that’s what they wanted. There was also talk of doing two movies back to back. And I said: I literally can’t do that. Physically, I’ll die. Not to mention Daniel. So that was also in the air. I also had some very big ideas for the story that I wanted them to be behind. That’s hard to talk about until you’ve seen the movie.’
How big are those ideas?
‘Well, it would be the equivalent in “Skyfall” of asking: “Do you mind if I kill off M?” Once I felt like we had a great central story for Bond, I was in. It took a while and it takes headspace. These things aren’t easy when 23 movies have been made around the same character!’
So, this big idea in ‘Spectre’ that we can’t discuss. It was your idea?
‘Yes, it was an idea I pitched strongly very early on, yes. And they were enthusiastic, but it took some working out. Actually, there were two ideas, and I felt like they moved everything forward. My fear was that after “Skyfall”, where we introduced the idea of characters ageing, Bond ageing, and even a character dying, that somehow we couldn’t just go back and do a nice action-adventure movie. “Skyfall” changed the map.’
But surely you have to be careful not to back Bond into storytelling corners that he can’t get out of next time round?
‘Yes, but you could argue that it’s amazing how much Bond will withstand. Bond regenerates, just like Doctor Who regenerates. It will regenerate if there’s an audience for him and there’s enough imagination set to work on his stories. It’s become one of the great mythologies of modern times. It belongs to everyone, and you have to believe that, however far you push it, it will never die. Someone else will have a go and their take will be completely different. All you want is to have something to say. It’s not just about having a good time.’
You said making ‘Spectre’ was more gruelling than ‘Skyfall’. Why?
‘Just many, many more locations. Last time, we shot a little bit in China, but otherwise it was Turkey and England. Here, we were shooting in Mexico City, Northern Sahara, Tangiers, various parts of the Alps and Rome, as well as London. In a way, “Skyfall” was an anomaly: it was very strange to have a Bond movie, so much of which was set in England. “Skyfall” was smaller than the standard Bond model, a little more streamlined. There’s more globetrotting here, and so every two months there was a different crew, different rules, different climate, different timescale. That can be wonderful: it can give you new energy. But it’s also pretty wearying.’
How do you deal with all the rumours around the making of a Bond movie?
‘It sounds peculiar, but you have to embrace it. These movies are a dialogue with their audience. It’s not a dialogue that just takes place in the two and half hours you’re watching the movie. The dialogue begins two, three years earlier and it evolves over that period. They will review and comment on everything from the choice of title, car, cast, actor, poster image, first trailer, second trailer and everything else. That’s an important part of making the film. You have to acknowledge it’s a two-way process. On the other hand, you have to seal yourself off from too many opinions as it does affect what you’re doing. For example it’s quite odd to be cutting a trailer for a movie that is only a third finished.’
You must have known that the title ‘Spectre’ would raise rumours that Blofeld was back as the villain…
‘Yes, yes of course… And you know, the movie will reveal all in that regard. It’s nice to be only a few weeks away from people being able to find out. You don’t have to be playing cat and mouse the whole time. But you want to present some mysteries that are going to be solved by seeing the movie. When you’re making a detective story: who wants to go in knowing who the murderer is? I’m not being coy, I just don’t want to ruin people’s enjoyment of the movie.’
Are you confident that some very strong mysteries have been preserved?
‘Yes, we’ve managed to get this far, so yes. Before “Skyfall” opened we were terrified that the death of M was going to be revealed before the movie opened. It actually was in a tabloid months before. But there were so many wrong rumours that nobody picked up on that one as they thought it was just another rumour. That’s one good thing about being in a multi-rumour movie!’
What were the toughest action scenes to pull off this time?
‘I think the opening in Mexico City is pretty full on. And London is pretty full on. Try staging a sequence on the River Thames at night when it’s an unlit river. It’s very difficult. We lit it up like a Christmas tree. There were 28 generators along the banks. But that ignores a massive night-time car chase in Rome. And a huge Alpine sequence. Both of which challenge anything in the last movie for technical difficulty.’
And what about Daniel Craig’s Bond this time round? What’s new? He’s not an actor ever to tread water.
‘No, he is the opposite of treading water! He has no neutral gear. He’s found a great balance in this movie, that’s all I’ll say. He fully inhabits the role now. In all respects. There is a wisdom and vulnerability as well as the credibility of someone who can kill a man. The darkness is present but there’s also romance in this film. He spent most of the last movie playing catch-up. Here, he’s the main driver of the story and much more pro-active. He’s given much more to do.’
Can you imagine him or you doing another Bond movie?
‘Well, you know, never say never – and I hear the groans, it’s a terrible cliché. I think for Daniel, only he can answer. For me, I think it’s been an incredible five years doing both movies and it’s probably time for something else. And for someone else to make their own part of the Bond myth. It’s someone else’s job to come in with a new colour and energy and do it their way. I’ll be in the front row to see that.’
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 13:19
von dernamenlose
Ist mir ehrlich gesagt etwas zu lang zum lesen. Hat jemand Lust es zusammenzufassen?
dernamenlose hat geschrieben:Ist mir ehrlich gesagt etwas zu lang zum lesen. Hat jemand Lust es zusammenzufassen?
Wenn es dich interessiert, lies es.
Sonst lass es.
Weltbewegende News wirst du darin nicht finden.
Ist halt eines der typischen Promo-Interviews. Er spricht über die Dreharbeiten und über Bond im Allgemeinen.
Und auf die Frage, ob er noch einen dritten Bondfilm inszenieren wird, antwortet er: "Never say never."
Also alles wie gehabt.
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 14:32
von Casino Hille
Liest sich teilweise genau wie das, was ich von Mendes gedacht hätte: Bei Skyfall war da die Idee, M zu töten und der wurde die ganze Story untergeordnet.
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 15:04
von danielcc
Casino Hille hat geschrieben:Liest sich teilweise genau wie das, was ich von Mendes gedacht hätte: Bei Skyfall war da die Idee, M zu töten und der wurde die ganze Story untergeordnet.
Siehst du, ähnlich glaube ich wird dein Kommentar zu SP ausfallen...
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 15:13
von Casino Hille
Aber das steht doch nun wirklich genauso im Interview. Ich hab praktisch nur wiederholt, was Mendes selbst gesagt hat.
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 15:15
von danielcc
Ja aber ähnlich wirst du über den Film urteilen.
Er hat aber nicht den Film "untergeordnet" sondern er hat den Film mit dieser Idee im Kopf entwickelt. Das ist schon was anderes. Anders als die Moore Filme, die Stunts als Ausgangsidee hatten und vielleicht Drehorte, und dann die Lücken dazwischen gefüllt haben
Ich habe große Lust, eine Vorab-Review des Films zu schreiben, diese komplett als Spoiler hiden, und dann sehen inwieweit die hinterher mit dem übereinstimmt was ich denke
Re: Interviews mit Cast & Crew
Verfasst: 8. Oktober 2015 15:21
von Casino Hille
danielcc hat geschrieben:Er hat aber nicht den Film "untergeordnet" sondern er hat den Film mit dieser Idee im Kopf entwickelt. Das ist schon was anderes.
Jetzt streiten wir uns um Formulierungen, weil das so ziemlich exakt dasselbe ist und ich es genau umgekehrt auch über die Moore und Brosnan Filme sagen könnte.