vodkamartini hat geschrieben: 5. Oktober 2021 14:37
Und ja, das wird oft übersehen, NTTD war ein sehr schwieriges Projekt, das Fukunaga irgendwie noch retten sollte. Vor diesem Hintergrund verwundern manche Stoikerin und Ungereimtheiten dann nicht mehr ganz so sehr, zumal das große Finale nicht verhandelbar war.
ja, das ist leider absolut richtig.
Ganz aktuell:
"With 'Maniac' [his Netflix series] we were writing as we shot, and after we finished, I told myself that I was never doing that again. But then with Bond, we were still writing when we'd wrapped. I was even writing in post!" ... nny-boyle/
Er hat sogar noch in der Post-Produktion geschrieben??
"I was writing dialogue that was intentional enough, but vague enough, that I could apply it to a number of different things happening in the third act. It was almost like a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' novel writing these pages: 'If this happened here, and you have to go here, then this page will work for that.' When we finally put the film together, it all made sense, somehow all fit together. But I'll tell you a secret, that I think is okay now that we're so close to release, there are pieces that Ralph Fiennes says in the trailer that neither Ralph nor I knew exactly what he was saying it for."
das hört sich irgw noch schlimmer an, als gedacht.
"somehow all fit together".
ja, "somehow"
“Daniel would always come with ideas. I’d say, pitch me something, and he would have written monologues out in his notebook. Sometimes the monologue were for characters in the story that weren’t even him. And we would sit there and work out really critical scenes together—big scenes with the villain or the love interest—he would always have ideas and we would make it work together,”
das ist ja schon wieder witzig:
“I would look at what I wrote and say, ‘look, I’m sorry, Ralph, this is the really non-subtextual version of this,’ and then have Ralph deliver something that turns my shitty throwaway line into something great. And Rory Kinnear would know what needs to happen and add in a line of his own, and I would say, ‘Rory, that’s a f**king great line’,” says Fukunaga.
das hier ist der Originalartikel: ... -his-voice